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APICS Instructor Development Program (IDP)
ASCM Los Angeles Instructors have a 100% participation in the ASCM Corporate Instructor Development Program (IDP). New Instructors: Please use these instructions to guide you through the application process.
Helpful Hint: ASCMLA's Master Instructor Training Instructor is available to assist you in meeting the IDP application requirements, whether it is submitting your application, answering any questions you may have relating to the new Instructor requirements, or looking to increase your designation level. Please contact the ASCMLA Master Instructor Training Instructor as soon as possible for assistance or to submit your IDP application for a review before final submission to ASCM Corporate:
Joyce Lewis, MAEd, CPIM, CSCP, C.P.M.
Contact us: Contact Form
1. All instructors teaching APICS Courseware or teaching any revenue-generating courses for ASCM Los Angeles must participate in the APICS Instructor Development Program (IDP). Complete these items as part of your IDP application:
a) Obtain a Valid ASCM membership – Any membership category in ASCM Los Angeles is accepted at this time. List your correct ASCM ID number on the application form. See the ASCM website for a membership application.
Helpful Hint(s):
_____ Maintain your membership throughout participation in IDP. If you allow your ASCM membership to expire, your participation in IDP may be revoked or teaching credit not accepted during lapsed membership periods.
b) Complete an IDP application with all pages in the worksheet completed.
Helpful Hint(s):
_____ Download the most current version of the APICS Instructor Development Program Application from the ASCM (see quicklinks on right of the page). Effective August 1, 2013, the application is an Excel document and ASCM will no longer accept the Word version.
_____ Read the "00 Read me first" worksheet in the IDP application. This worksheet gives a summary of all the documents to gather and information to provide with the application.
_____ Read the "01 Program Requirements" worksheet in the IDP application. This worksheet gives a summary of all the requirements to achieve Associate, Lead, or Master status. Print this document and use it as a checklist to see which level you qualify for.
_____ Start with "02 Application" and fill in all fields of the worksheet as requested. The "Answers" in column I require a Yes or No entry for the Documents section, except for line 30; it is highly recommended that you Opt In. The documents listed will need to be sent in with your IDP application. Do not leave any fields blank. "Sign" the Application by typing in your name/date. Sign the payment page by typing in your name/date.
_____ In the "03 Courses taught" worksheet, list any courses already taught, even if the course was not necessarily from ASCM Courseware. The IDP Committee will compare this list to the level that you are seeking for IDP modules (CPIM, CSCP, etc.). For example, if you are seeking a Lead status and this Classes Taught list shows that you have only taught two courses over the past two years, you will be granted Associate status.
_____ Read the "04 Conduct and Term Signatures" worksheet. "Sign" the Application by typing in your name/date. There are two signature requirements on this worksheet.
_____ Complete payment information. You can elect to not fill in credit card information and ask that ASCM contact you for payment during ASCM business hours. Make this request in the email body when submitting your application, but you may be responsible to make the contact/call if you are not located in North America. Please note that a check payment must be drawn on a U.S. Bank.
_____ Turn in this Excel application file - do not pdf this file. Label the file as "FName LName ASCMID - IDP Application" or John Doe 123456 - IDP Application.
c) Turn in your APICS Train the Trainer (TTT), APICS Learning Dynamics (LDI) certificate or Applied Instructor Skills (AIS) (for Lead/Master only). TTT is mandatory for participation. The LDI course is optional but highly recommended for Associate status; the LDI course is required for Lead or Master status.
Helpful Hint(s):
_____ Scan your TTT/LDI certificates. Label the file as "FName LName ASCMID - TTT&LDI" or John Doe 123456 - TTT&LDI. It does not matter if you sent each one as a separate file or in one scanned file.
_____ If you do not have your TTT or LDI certificate, obtain a letter from the Master Instructor confirming your successful completion of the course. Turn in the pdf letter instead of the certificate with the packet.
_____ APICS TTT and APICS LDI must be from a Master Instructor Training Instructor (must provide proof). List the name of the Master Instructor on the "02 Application" worksheet.
d) Include your current resume/CV - Make sure your resume shows your ASCM membership and your current certifications. Do not misstate your membership or certification levels on your resume.
Helpful Hint(s):
_____ Do not spend time perfecting your resume - The resume does not have to be updated for your current position, only accurate for your ASCM information and work history..
_____ Validate that your resume lists your current membership and certification status.
_____ Label the file as "FName LName ASCMID - Resume" or John Doe 123456 - Resume
e) Obtain a Channel Partner Endorsement Letter from your Chapter or Affilate.
Helpful Hint(s):
_____ Make sure the that Partner Endorsement Letter is signed by the current President of your current chapter (the chapter that has your membership). If you are a President, obtain the signature from the Executive VP or the VP Education. If you are an international intructor, contact the nearest AEP/IA for guidance in this area. You may also request assistance by emailing Tracy Cheetham at
_____ ASCMLA will provide a Channel Endorsement Letter for ASCMLA instructors in a TTT/LDI class that is hosted/sponsored by ASCMLA.
_____ In order to receive a ASCMLA partner endorsement, a ASCMLA instructor must be formally evaluated by the Chapter's Master Instructor Training Instructor (see contact email above) as part of a TTT/LDI course and/or an evaluation from 1-3 teaching sessions as determined by the Master.
_____ Scan the signed Partner Endorsement Letter. Label the file as "FName LName ASCMID - Partner Endorsement" or John Doe 123456 - Partner Endorsement.
f) Obtain a Professional Recommendation Letter – You must provide a Professional Recommendation Letter from a Lead or Master IDP instructor. If you wish to become a Master, another Master Instructor must submit your recommendation. Therefore, obtain your initial recommendation letter from a IDP Master and you will not need to resubmit a recommendation letter at a later time.
Helpful Hint(s):
_____ Request a recommendation letter from your Master Instructor from a ASCMLA-hosted/sponsored TTT/LDI if you are not a ASCMLA Instructor.
_____ If you are a ASCMLA Instructor, your Master recommendation letter will be submitted to you as part of your evaluation from the Master Instructor Training Instructor. (see contact email above).
_____ Label the file as "FName LName ASCMID - Professional Recommendation" or John Doe 123456 - Professional Recommendation
f) Turn in your application with payment and all supporting Documents. – Follow the instructions on the application to turn in the Instructor Development Program Application (see the "00 Read me first" tab of the IDP application.
Helpful Hint(s):
_____ If you would like your application to be reviewed for accuracy or to make sure that you qualify for the most designations possible, please send your pentire acket to the ASCM Los Angeles Master Instructor at You must have taken a class taught by or sponsored by an ASCM Los Angeles Master Training instructor to qualify for this service. Note: You will not be considered part of the IDP program until your IDP application is submitted to and accepted by the ASCM Instructor Development Committe, however itthe preview can save you weeks of processing time.
_____ It is more convenient for ASCM to receive all the forms electronically, so if you can complete the process electronically (including payment), please do so.
_____ Use the 01Progroam Requirements" worksheet as a checklist to make sure you have included all the documentation with the application.
_____ In your submission email (or letter) to ASCM, ask to be included in the "ASCM Instructor Development Community" and request a confirmation be sent to you as soon as you are added to the Instructor Community. This will provide you with immediate access to ASCM Instructor Community on the Supply Chain Channel.
If you are already participating in ASCM IDP, congratulations! After acceptance into IDP, make sure to complete the following items as soon as possible:
2. All Instructors participating in IDP must regularly review the IDP Maintenance requirements.
a) Specific requirements are TBD at this time. Check back often!
3. All Instructors teaching ASCM Courseware must be a member of the ASCM Instructor Community.
To join the ASCM Instructor Community, you must first obtain IDP recognition. If you did not request to be added to the Instructor Community when you submitted your IDP application, you can apply to the Instructor Community at any time after acceptance into IDP.
To access the Instructor Community Application, click here. You may first need to log in to your ASCM account. Submit the application and it may take up to 2-3 business days for it to be processed.
If you have any questions regarding the ASCM Instructor Community, contact April Arnold at
4. All Instructors teaching ASCM Courseware must follow ASCM Copyright requirements.
a) All instructors must view the ASCM Copyright Webinar available in the ASCM Instructor Community and report completion to
b) Copying of ASCM Instructor kits, participant workbooks, and other ASCM courseware is strictly prohibited or displaying ASCM Courses information in any online format without a formal ASCM Corporate Agreement in place is strictly prohibited.
c) Each Instructor’s IDP Endorsement Chapter is responsible for supplying instructor kits to the instructor. ASCMLA will provide a checkout of any instructor kits to ASCMLA-endorsed instructors teaching ASCM Courseware for the chapter but will not reimburse purchases of instructor kits.
5. All Instructors teaching ASCM Courseware must follow the ASCM Instructor Evaluation process:
a) Use the ASCM Instructor Evaluation form. (Form is found in the ASCM Instructor Community.)
b) Submit the ASCM Instructor Evaluation Worksheet to ASCM Los Angeles within 10 days of the course completion. Submit to:
ASCM Los Angeles is ready and willing to fully support you in the actions needed to accomplish these new requirements.
Thank you again for your continued contributions to ASCM Los Angeles Education offerings. Your lifelong contribution to the education of our students is to be commended. We look forward to hearing from you soon!